Chargers End Broncos Season

The dreaded thing happened, the Broncos got blown-out again by the Chargers from San Diego.

Kyle Orton might keep his job as the starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos but the reality is he is a #2 quarterback that has been posing as a starter.

Josh McDaniel’s traded for Orton, groomed Orton, built the offense around Orton’s capabilities and the result is…5-15 in the last 20 games.

Kyle Orton is not starting quarterback material in the NFL. This might shock some Broncos fans because they’ve heard the media make muchado about Orton. Facts are facts though.

Orton is like Bubby Brister only less exciting.

It’s time to put Orton back where he belongs on the bench. It’s time to start Tim Tebow and get him some full time game experience. It’s time to see a change for the better in Bronco land.

I don’t know what goes on behind the scenes at Dove Valley. I wish I did though. There’s a Joe Ellis character, who I think was a lawyer, and is making major personnel decisions including the hiring of Josh McDaniel’s.

I like Josh and want to see him succeed in Denver but I’m also a realist. It’s not happening.

Mike Shanahan’s Broncos might have tail spinned in his final season but there was still hope they could win. They appeared to be a player or two away from turning into a real contender. Now it’s difficult to spot the Broncos weak spots because they seem weak all around.

It’s time for a change in Denver, only time will tell what Pat, Josh n Joe might do.


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